Hey Science Friends,
WHEW! It's been a busy few weeks around here. I am sure you can relate. This is always such a fun time of the year in Science...the beginning. You have the chance to set the stage for those budding little Scientists. And throughout the year you have the chance to develop the investigative skills and sensory language of those little Scientists too! Many of us start the year off with safety and then move on to My Five Senses. For us, we teach My Five Senses as tools to learn how to describe the properties of objects just like a real Scientist!
We learn to describe objects by:
And we have lots of fun doing it too! And once you learn how to do it, you can apply this to just about anything!
What about investigating the properties of:
bubble gum
Yep, you can use your senses as tools and learn how to describe the properties of objects and foster independent, hands-on investigating too! What in the world is not to love?
And after all of that observing and describing the properties of objects what about sharing that with others? Yep, just like real scientists! What a way to meet those Science Standards with some true observing, describing, recording and communicating...just like real Scientists! If you are a true Scientist at heart or you aspire to be that Science teacher that you always wanted to be, this might help get your feet wet and ease you into that new role. I think this IS the year. If you are like me, you probably have searched high and low to find Science resources for young children but have come up empty handed. I did too. So, I decided to create My Five Senses Reports.
With Print & Go Science Resources it doesn't even have to be hard! If you would like to join us in our investigating fun just click on the images above for more information!

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