Hey Science friends,
Well, I am linking up with my friends at Freebielicious for Tell Us About You Tuesday. And it's early Wednesday morning, go figure. You know what they say for some people the wee hours in the morning are the most productive. I am a night owl and that is the way I have always been.
I am heading into my 16th year of teaching with a fresh and renewed mindset.
All of my career I have spent in Kindergarten which has been a true blessing for me.
I went to school and thought I would be a Science teacher because during my college years I truly recognized my love for the natural world and living things and I discovered the answers to many childhood questions I had about the world around me. In my last semester of college I took 27 hours just to take a kindergarten job that fell into my lap.
I live and teach deep in the heart of Texas. I have been here my whole life. Living in Texas my whole life, you would have thought that I had seen it all but that was not really the case until...one conversation kind of changed that all for me. Since I was a child I had always wanted to travel the back roads and see Texas! After sharing my childhood dream with my husband, it wasn't long before we hit the road! We hitched a little travel trailer and I swear we never looked back...not even once!
It is safe to say I have had my share of lakeside picnics along the dusty dirt roads of Texas. This experience has given me a chance to play around with my love of photography that I always had brewing inside of me but never knew I had a real use for until teaching and blogging came into my life.
I now have a lot of memories and pictures to share with my class when we talk about Texas and natural resources which also comes in handy for writer's workshop.
The sun was shinning so bright it was hard to tell what this picture would look like. I am sure there is a setting that I should have been using but balancing yourself on a kayak with a new camera this was my best shot.
My family and I are planning a future trip to Caddo Lake. I am looking forward to pictures from that area of Texas.
I love cooking and I have a thing for setting the table. Inside and outside the table is always set. Setting the table for brunch is my all time favorite. Who doesn't like brunch? A laid back and stress free meal...ahhh! If I only have about one brunch a month, then I want it to be special! I blog about
that here!
Until the back to school season gets in full swing I am sure you can find me somewhere between here and there on some dusty dirt road in Texas taking pictures and blogging along the way.