Hey Science Friends,
Happy B2S sale shopping! I just love this time each and every year. And after all the sales are final and you are in our room the serious work begins...teaching. So many things to think about and consider before you dive right in and teach. And you know no matter the subject, listening is crucial. It has to be taught and expectations have to be set for the year ahead. It doesn't have to be hard or difficult but it as to be taught.
I found this book to go along with my discussion on listening. I put this to good use a time or two last year. With a lot of modeling and role playing, it helped to set the stage for our discussions and provided an atmosphere where we could learn, participate and respect each other. I made some printable posters that I could hang in the area where we have our discussions and that is where it stays for the entire year. When needed, I simply point to he poster as a reminder. If I need to use it for a lesson when new students arrive, I can. If you are interested in your own printables jut click on the image below!

This looks interesting! I'm sure that this will be especially useful at times when it seems that your efforts don't work so well to capture the attention of your students. Thanks for sharing!