Monday, October 15, 2012

Wild Texas Bluebonnets!

Hello Science Friends,
It's that time of year again...bluebonnet seed planting time in the south. Each time I see a field of Texas Bluebonnets I get the feeling I am home. Last year I was able to purchase Bluebonnet seeds off of ebay for a very good price. I have spent years trying to track down seeds at my local stores and when I find them it is not planting season. I was able to find them online last year and considering it was so easy I decided I would do the same this year too! There is a little prep with these seeds but it is worth it and it is not too difficult. This year I am going to take pictures of the steps to prep the seeds and show the kids.
If you are interested in planting your own seeds, I have found some good information to help you get started right HERE! I am hoping to have some good luck this year and keeping my fingers crossed for some beautiful Texas Bluebonnets for our Spirit Garden this spring! With any luck and a green thumb it just might happen!  
Maybe we will get lucky and have Texas Bluebonnets in bloom this year during Texas Public School Week and during our Texas Our Texas unit in Kindergarten!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, march is my very favorite month.....Bluebonnets everywhere here in Texas!! I never thought of planting my own with my kids; may have to try that this year. Thanks for another great idea!

    The First Grade Derby
