Thursday, July 26, 2012

Setting Up Science!

Hello Science Friends,

I guess the Christmas in July Sale felt more like a Black Friday sale with all of the computer glitches! No fear, the sale will be extended and it's better than before. I am extending the sale and I am including everything in both of my stores...just because!

You know I love Science. And you know I am gearing up for a great year of Science Exploration and I can't wait. But first thing first, I have spent hours thinking about what I was going to use for Science Notebooks this year. After a lot of thought, I have finally decided to use spiral notebooks. I used composition books last year and what bothered me the most was the size and they would not stay flat on the table which bothered the children. I also noticed that the size of the composition book made for some very cramped writing. For most of the year we use our Science Notebooks and for special projects I make special Science Folders. My classes have always loved their Science Notebooks but last year the children really took pride in them. I think it had a lot to do with the fact that I really went out of my way with the presentation of our Science Notebooks. I keep our Science Notebooks in a bin in the Science Center. We had Science Teams last year and our teams were different colors. Our Science Notebooks were color coded for each team. I printed big labels for the front of the composition book and I hot glued a ribbon inside the back cover so the children could use it as a book marker to hold their place. I also stapled stickers inside the back of the Science Notebooks so I would have them on hand for when I was looking over their work. All in all, I liked the entire system except for the size of the composition book. So I decided today to get down and dirty and get my Science Notebooks ready for a fun year. As I was about to print the labels from last year, I decided I would give them a little face lift! I like the graphics better than the last. Over the last year a lot of teachers have bought my Science Labels. The good news is this... I am updating the file and uploading the new version. If you have previously purchased the labels...your labels get a face lift too! And it gets better... I have added Large My Science Notebook Labels, Large My Science Journal Labels AND Small Science Folder Labels to the download! So, no matter what you call it you will be covered. If you are interested in them just click on the picture above!


Last year I really worked hard at improving my Science Center. I must have moved things around about ten times. I finally found an arrangement that worked for my class and my classroom pets. Once I finished, I realized that my Science Center needed to be decorated and I played around with that. I really wanted some Science Posters and could not find what I wanted. So, I made my own. And now a year later, I have decided they need a face lift for the new year too! If you purchased the posters last year then you can get the updated posters as well! But what is even better is that this new download comes with the Dizzy Dots you see above AND white ones too! So if you are thinking of a quick way to get a Science Center up and running then hop on over and grab your downloads and then you can plan and prepare for a fun year of Science too! If you are interested just click on the image above!

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