Friday, July 6, 2012

The Magical Swap!

Hey Science Friends,
You know I love teachers supporting teachers. I had to share this with you because this will be fun and it is another way to connect teacher to teacher and get some great feedback on something you have created. Hop on over to Mrs. Standford's blog and get the details and find out how to sign up. I am sure you do not want to miss this opportunity. You know I need at least one other Sciency blogger to be paired with and you know I am going to beg for a Science friend so get on over there and sign up!


  1. I tried sending an email but for some reason it would not go through :(

    My name is Amber and I'm a blogger over at Sparkles, Smiles, and Student Teaching. I focus a lot on science because I teach science over the summer at a camp so I have been posting quite a few experiments and things I have tried lately. I wanted to start a collaborative pin board for science teachers (elementary focus) to use that would have experiments and science resources. I really don't know too many other science bloggers but I know you're a veteran so I wanted to get your opinion and see if you thought this might be a good idea or would even want to join?

    Thanks for all your help!

    Sparkles , Smiles, and Student Teaching

  2. Fantastic, Little Miss. I'm signing up. :)
    The Science Penguin

  3. Your blog is SO adorable!! I'm a new follower:) I hope you'll come by and check out my blog.

    1...2...3...Teach With Me
