Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Earth Day With Can Do Kinders!

Hi Y'all!  It's me... Pam from Can Do Kinders!  I was so excited that Laral asked me to guest blog for her while she was at a conference. 
I hope I do a great job for her while she's away.  I'll do my best to make her proud.
I love Earth Day and I can't wait to celebrate it with my kinders.  Although we teach our children all year the importance of recycling at school, I still think it is important that we celebrate this special day. 
Did you know that over 100 different countries come together to celebrate Earth Day on April 2nd?  It is the most celebrated environmental event worldwide.  Wow!  I think it is a great way to teach our kiddos to appreciate nature and learn ways to protect our environment!
One thing I am going to do that week is have my children write about ways we can help our Mother Earth.  If you would like to have a copy of the vocabulary cards and writing paper click here.  I hope you enjoy!  If you do download, please leave Little Miss Kindergarten a love note!  Maybe she'll let me do this again if you do!


  1. just fyi i think Earth day is April 22nd right? and when I click on your link for the vocab cards it has an error. :(

  2. I couldn't get it to come up - There is an error. :(
    Crayons and Curls

  3. @ The Sherman Four- Yes, the 22nd. :)
    I couldnt get the documents to come up either :(
