Saturday, March 17, 2012

Rock Unit Coming Soon!

Hello Science Friends,
I just wanted to let you know that I am working on the final touches to my Rock Investigation Unit. I have had several requests and emails for this and I had to go back to this file from last year and make some changes. My class last year really taught me to love rocks and I had the opportunity to try out several new things with them last year and I wanted to include them. If you have searched the world over like I have for an age appropriate, hands-on unit on rocks that is more than simply reading a book and writing about rocks, then you might want to consider this unit. Right now there are over 30 pages full of standards based hands-on activities with guided independent investigation mats. The investigation mats have been my top requested item and they are cornerstone of this unit. I am happy to be able to share them with you as we develop young scientist together!

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