Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Planting Corn

Planting Corn Squanto's Way...Well Sort Of!

My kiddos loved learning about the Pilgrims, Native American Indians {esp. Squanto and Samoset} and Plymouth Plantation!  

One of the activities we did was planting corn the way Squanto taught the Pilgrims to do...which was burying a fish with the corn.  The kiddos enjoyed learning the reasoning behind that.

Then, I told them we were going to plant corn the way Squanto taught the Pilgrims.  They really thought I had stinky fish, dirt, and corn!  bwahahahaha  

They were quite relieved when they saw that the dirt was crushed Oreos, the stinky fish was gummy fish, and the corn was candy corn.  They LOVED this as our morning snack!!!

Thanksgiving Blessings,

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