Thursday, September 15, 2011

Science In The Classroom

Welcome friends! I am so excited that you have joined me on this new adventure exploring Science within a Kindergarten classroom. Before we get deep into our Color Mixing Kits, I wanted to let you know that Steve Spangler Science has generously donated the Color Mixing Kit featured on this blog in exchange for blogging about our classroom experiences. I was thrilled to have this opportunity and share this fun with another classroom and anyone interested in learning more about Science with young children. In working with my contact at Steve Spangler Science, I really enjoyed making my kit selection and having someone discuss the possibilities within the kit. I believe this is a wonderful kit for young learners and it is developmentally appropriate. I have spent countless hours over the years searching and looking for good quality information and experiments for young children to teach Science. Usually my searches have lead me to writing and creating my own because I have not found developmentally appropriate activities. As we work through this Color Mixing Kit, it is important to understand that it is not my goal to have children know how to mix different combinations of colors. The color Mixing Kit is my vehicle to teach a developing child Scientific investigation and reasoning, demonstrate science tools and teach safe practices, to promote communication and problem solving. Additionally, this kit clearly promotes hands-on, inquiry based instruction in an Early Childhood classroom. And finally, these experiments offer multiple opportunities for Science Notebooking in Kindergarten. 

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